Ugh. Not been on since November?! Seriously, where did the time go?!
I had a great holiday for the most part. We spent too long in Houston for Thanksgiving, because Brent's cousin got married 10 or so days afterwards. What's it that Ben Franklin says about the fish ;)
Anyway, we all survived the holidays. It was nice, because Audrey had her 3rd of 4 Christmas' be a white Christmas. Love it!
We all got royally spoiled. I've enjoyed working on my Japanese skills with the Rosetta Stone I got. I also have refreshed myself on hiragana and katakana.
Just before Christmas, I went with my sister and she found her wedding dress. It is perfect for her in every absolute way. She looks stunning in it. She will be the most beautiful bride! I am so excited to be a part of her big day and that she is actually using my wedding planning skills! She's rewarding me by taking me cake tasting. Woot! She knows she's going to use Fancy Cakes by Lauren, but needs to set up a tasting to determine what she needs.
Tomorrow we leave for SIMstart. We are SO excited, but I will miss Audrey like crazy. This is the longest I will have ever been a part from her. Having some issues with that, but so incredibly blessed to be able to attend! We are going to learn so much, so I am sure I will have a ton to say when we get back!
In the meantime, our place is a mess since we have to be out of the townhome by the end of the month. We'll be moving to my parent's old place for the time being until it sells. Then it's off to Midlothian with my folks. Hopefully it doesn't sell for a while and/or we raise our funds super quick! Sort of torn, because I want to be here for my sister's wedding in August, but I am also excited to get to Japan! We will see what the Lord wills!