Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Minivan Envy!

'Twas one of those days.  Let me first say that I am so incredibly thankful for Brent's job and it pays better than my full-time job I had.  But it's a double-edged sword, since he has to use the car.  It's a part-time medical courier position and he has to use our most fuel efficient vehicle.  I would suck it up and use the big chunky van, but the car seat does not fit in it well at all.  I can't get the seat belts tight enough, so it can tip over.  Most days, it's fine.  My parent's don't live far away, so my mom will pick us up and we will get an outing.  When it gets cooler, there will be nice opportunities for walks.  There's a nice park close and a shopping center is not too horribly far away.  But today my mom had thing's she needed to do, so I was stranded at home with a particularly cranky toddler.  So I got cranky right back.  Not one of my finer moments.

Lord, I want a minivan.  Preferably a Toyota Sienna or Honda Odyssey.  I find myself staring at shiny new minivans and drooling slightly.  I will definitely need one by the time baby #2 comes, because the Corolla can barely fit the car seat as it is.  Forget 2.  Hopefully things will start looking up for us soon, and it can be my 30th birthday present.  Is that too much to ask?!

At least I did apply to something like 8 jobs on behalf of Brent.  A few here (free rent is nice), a few in Colorado (yes, cooler weather would be AWESOME), a few in California (because that's where a ton of Japanese jobs are) and several in Houston (I imagine my MIL singing the full Hallelujah Chorus in her head if she finds out).  When he got back, we worked together to get his book published on Amazon Kindle.  It won't be on in 24 hours, so I will be sure to put a link up when it becomes available.  So it was a productive day, just got stir-crazy.

Hence, the minivan envy.

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