It's been over a month and a half since I last blogged.
Blogger fail.
I probably wouldn't have thought about it, but my sweetie mentioned it the other day. I thought, "wow! Someone reads it!"
So this one's for you, honey.
Let's see, where to begin? Oh yes. Why didn't I blog, you may ask. I've had a crazy past month and a half, that's why. Hold on to your seats for this one...
On Father's Day, DH crumpled up suddenly on the floor in severe pain. I have never seen the man in so much pain. I rushed him to the ER and my wonderful mom came and got DD while we were waiting for results. Turned out he had some kidney stones. Alright, so they give us pain meds to fill and tell him to drink lots of water and send us on our merry way. DH had to take off about a week, because he was on some heavy pain meds and couldn't drive. Probably got the stones from dehydration from the job in the first place. So he's feeling a little better, he goes back to work. He worked for a few days and after a 12 hour day, he called me as I was driving home from the last choir practice of the season. He was in even more pain than before AND he had taken the pain meds. SO I had to turn back around, drop DD off at my parent's, and go get DH to take to the ER at 10pm. The kidney stone had not moved. They finally got him a prescription for Flomax. ALWAYS ask for this stuff if you have a kidney stone. I could kick the doctor who didn't do it 10 days before. So he had to go to a urologist the next morning and joy of joys, he had to have surgery. And that's when we really discovered it: our health insurance was $&!#. Covered nothing. NEVER, NOT EVER, GET ASSURANT HEALTH!!!!!!!!!! You would do better to just pay out of pocket. To top it off, we saw just how much Lone Star Coffee was taking out of his paycheck for shoddy insurance. We're talking over $700 a month. Everyone we've talked to like doctors, accountant, hr people say that is plain insane. Unfortunately, we can't really prove anything illegal went down. The workforce commission person told him what Lone Star Coffee was doing was HIGHLY immoral, but unfortunately not illegal. Then the icing on the cake: Lone Star Coffee contacted him and said since he hadn't worked in a while, that HE owed THEM for insurance. I. Call. Bull. So DH was very civil and wrote them a nice email explaining the situation and firmly telling them thing's needed to change, as there was quite a plethora of other illegal things going on with the company and it was just an abusive work environment anyway. You know what they did? Ignored it. So he wrote another. They ignored it again. So then he told him he quit (he did this after praying and fasting). He got hate texts from his boss attacking his Christianity. The Devil is alive and well. I told him at least he knew enough to call you a Christian. Satan knew him attacking his Christianity would hurt him. I told him to ignore those those texts and save them as evidence if needed.
So we're doing the unemployment thing again. Fun times. This time is different though, because DH has such a driving force and he has gotten out there and is so much more proactive. But please continue to pray for our little family. I fully support DH's decision, but it's not a situation that you choose to be in.
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