Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year!

It's 2012!

The year certainly flew by.  I am glad 2011 is behind us.  It was not a very nice year to us.  That one day last year pretty much colored the whole year: the day Mamaw died and we got rejected from Asian Access. Worst.  Day.  Ever.  I was puking up a storm as well, because of a stomach bug.  Yeah.

The highlight was the marriage of Derek and Sarah.  But seriously, other than that.... I'll just say I am glad that year is over.

A new year gives me a new outlook.  What will I be thinking this time next year?  I am praying for blessings this year.  We will be moving at least once this year.  I am hoping to keep it to once.  Praying this year Brent finally gets a full time job with benefits.  This year will involve potty training Audrey and maybe getting her in to ballet lessons come Fall.  My over all health should be better this year.  I feel better than I have in a while.  I turn 30 in April.  Hoping that we get a trip in.

We have been so blessed and everything happens in God's timing, not our own.  I am hoping that this will be the year!

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