Thursday, August 2, 2012

Productive Trip

We are finally back after spending about a week in Houston.  DH had a guy's weekend with his dad and one of his brothers.  His other brother had to bail, because his wife's grandmother died.  They had a great time though and hope to do something similar again. 

We decided to spend a little longer to see old friends and do some networking.  Also brainstormed on jobs.  It was a pretty productive time!  But I am so glad to be back home.  I slept so much better last night in my own comfy bed, took a shower in my own bath with all of my stuff. 

DD and I had a fun time with Grammie while the men were away.  We got to go to the circus on Saturday and DD absolutely LOVED it!  She was dancing and clapping and enjoying all her goodies.  Fun was had by all.  I really enjoyed going to church and lunch the next day.  And of course we went out for cupcakes after.  During DD's nap, Grammie and I watched some old films before the men came home.  It was just a lovely day. 

I am helping out with My Consign on Saturday and have to be there bright and early.  Hope everything turns out!  Must remember to pack food, since I will be there from just before 7 until 3.  I will be tired! 

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