Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Put on your Sunday clothes

Something has Audrey all congested and has made me extremely dizzy.  I have been dizzy for hours now.   That can't be normal.  I don't ever remember being this dizzy for so long.

Since she doesn't feel well, I am letting her watch more TV than normal.  I actually try not to put the TV on at all for her, but do limit to just an hour if it does go on.  But she's sick and not wanting to play or anything, so on comes Wall-E.

It starts out playing "Put on Your Sunday Clothes" from the musical "Hello Dolly!".  I was in it twice in high school.  My church's production was better though and I did get a better part as well: Ermengarde.  It's been so long since I've acted.  I sort of miss it, but don't know if I could do it again.

Anyway, just some thoughts.

Audrey is getting a kitchen for Christmas from her Grammie and Gramps.  It came today.  She hasn't noticed the large box in the front room :)  Brent and I will put it together so she will see it Christmas morning.  That will be fun.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Gingerbread Houses

I forgot to post these!  Here's my little village :)

Christmas is Coming!

So we've caught 2 more mice since my last post.  What the heck?!  Hoping this house sells soon for so many reasons.

I can't believe it will be Christmas Day a week from today.  I am so excited!  We went to a party at our Japanese church last night, but had to leave at the beginning of the program because Audrey was being very disruptive.  There were a lot of new faces that we felt needed to hear the message, so we removed ourselves.

I hadn't slept well the night before as well as the previous couple, so I was glad to leave.  Thankfully last night I got a full night of sleep.

I've been thinking about all these horrid bits of news I've been getting lately.  The worst involves one of my brothers and I won't post it now, but please be in prayer for him.  That is all he has been asking for.  I will just say that I know the Grinch who stole Christmas is his MIL.

Brent is turning 30 after Christmas, so I am throwing a surprise party in Houston when we visit.  He knows there's a party, but he has no idea I invited every friend I could think of who still lives in Houston or may be visiting family.  Of course, there will be a lot of family there too.  My (absolutely wonderful) MIL and I have had fun planning it together.

This time of year is always so quick!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dang AF.

Ugh.  I do not feel good today.  My once a month little joy.  The dark day doesn't help, then everyone around me has been really mean to me, not returning emails, or is a screaming 2 year old.  I just want to curl up in a ball and let it not be today any more.

I've got dinner on the stove.  Made a stew made of leftovers and I am a little concerned.  I will be so annoyed if it not very good.  

Sorry this is a bummer post.  Praying for a better day tomorrow.  Or maybe when Brent gets home it'll get better.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Tonight we got back from bringing dinner to our friends who just had a baby and I am starving.  I immediately got to the crock pot and shovel out my delicious southwest chicken soup.  I say a quick prayer and dive in while Brent starts to get his bowl.

Then I hear the weirdest sound coming from DH.  He makes some pretty odd noises, but I can't even describe this one.  Dying marine life?  Yeah, that's all I can come up with.  He does that sort of thing all the time and usually it has to do with Audrey.   It always freaks me out.  So I glance over and he says, "I just saw the mouse!"

Oh great.  Here I am eating my dinner with the spoon I had left on the counter and I had served myself with the ladle I had also left on the counter.  Great.  I have probably eaten mouse germs.  Joy.

We finally get a bowl over it and I call my parent's to see what they want me to do with it.  I am thinking maybe my brother would want it.  I kind of have a soft spot for mice.  I had a pet one growing up.  No.  Take it out in the yard and let the dog Bluebonnet deal with it.  Bluebonnet was quick with the execution and was appreciative of the attention and entertainment.  Now we've put out all sorts of traps.  I keep on thinking of the movie Ratatouille.  There's probably a whole nest of them up in the attic.


Time to move.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


I keep on worrying about Audrey's speech development.  She talks a LOT, but I don't understand most of it.  I know it's bad to compare kids, but most kids her age you can carry on a coherent conversation.  Not so with my little girl.  The pediatrician said at her 2 year appointment not to worry unless she's not up to 50 words by 2 and a half.  She's got over twice that, so I guess I shouldn't worry.  After all, there aren't charts for adults are there?  No "typical" what a 25 year old woman should weigh, how tall, and how many words should be in her vocab?????

I guess this peaked yesterday when I lost Audrey for a little bit.  I have no idea how long, maybe it was only 5 minutes, but I thought she was lost.  My mom and I were at Penney's.  They had cranked up the heater so I got the car keys from my mom, since we were right by the door, to put my coat up.  In the minute I was gone, she had gotten away from my mom and decided it would be fun to play hide and seek.  She's been playing a lot with Brent and has learned to be really quiet when Daddy is looking for her.  When my mom found her, she laughed and ran the opposite direction.  Grandmomma gave Audrey quite the pop when she caught up with her.  It took mom forever to calm down, she was shaking so badly.  It freaked me out too, but somehow I was the one to keep calm.  Maybe it's because she felt so bad for losing track of her.  I told her that we do NOT play that game in public places.  Need to find my kid leash.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas Cheer

We had a glorious concert last night.  It was by far the best we've ever done it.  The orchestra was perfect, the soloists were phenomenal.  I hope there's a good recording I can get my hands on before Christmas... I am sure my MIL would love it!

This morning was Cup of Cheer, something the ladies at my church do just to get together.  The only reason I ever go is because my dad's quartet gets that gig.  They did a good job.  It's something he has always enjoyed doing.

I love this time of year.  It's not as busy this year as it was last year.  Could be because I am turning more down though.  I just have issues with this whole food allergy thing.  Even last night at the after party I had people trying to get me to eat.  But there was nothing I could eat.  Just nuts.  So I had those, really good hot apple cider, some of the nastiest limoncello I've had, and a really delightful red wine my friend Katie brought.  Usually not a red fan, but this wasn't as dry as reds can be.  But back to the food allergy thing, at least I am not gorging myself on things that are not-so-good for anyone, let alone me.  I've got to put some sort of positive twist on this!!

I made a gingerbread house today and started a gingerbread church.  I left them at my parent's house to set, so I will have to take pictures later.  I am kind of impressed with my first attempts.  I think I got a little too ambitious with my church though.  The steeple is sort of weighing down the roof and so the whole thing is lopsided.  Oh well.  It's kind of cute, really.  Pictures to come!

Thursday, December 1, 2011


I can't believe it's already December!  Every year flies by faster and faster.  At the end of the month, Brent's turning 30!  I really need to do something for his birthday, but am not too sure where we will be.  So I guess I need to make 2 separate plans.  Hmmmm....  What to do??

I was reflecting earlier about how different of a place we were at this time last year.  We knew we were going to Japan to be missionaries and were going through all of the paper work and interviews.  We had met with several churches and organizations to raise money.  We had gotten 70% of what we needed promised, all we needed was to just be sent.  I was actively trying to learn Japanese.  Every thing here seemed so temporary.  Best not get too involved.  We'll just leave.  It's hard to believe we pretty much have lived in my grandparent's house just as long as we had our home in Austin.  Lately our pastor has been saying in every service that God is using you right now where you are.  You are where He wants you.  I feel like he's saying that for my benefit.  This time of unemployment/underemployment for Brent has lasted so long.  But I hold on to the fact that God knows.  This isn't forever.  He has provided and has been so good to us.  I hear of much worse situations than ours.  So I consider myself blessed.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Handel's Messiah

If you are in Dallas on Sunday December 4th, I would like to invite you to come hear me sing in my church choir.  We are performing Handel's Messiah at 6 PM in the sanctuary of Highland Park Presbyterian Church.  It's a free concert and a great way to start the advent season.  Come and be blessed by this masterpiece!


I got my blood work back yesterday when I went to the doctor and got to fill out her little questionnaire again.  My blood work is near perfect and all my bodily functions have improved greatly.  She said she wanted to make a poster of my before and after.  I still am having trouble losing weight though, which is quite frustrating.  Ever since the time change, I haven't been working out.  Audrey gets up earlier and I don't get a chance.  Pretty sure the moron who thought up the whole daylight savings thing did not have children.

I am going to introduce goat cheese back in to my diet and see how I feel.  I am pretty sure it's okay.  Now that I know how my body reacts, I should be able to tell fairly easily.

The house had a showing today.  This was frustrating on many levels.  I know God must've been teaching me something.  First they called yesterday 20 minutes before they wanted a showing and Audrey had just gone down for a nap.  I try to be easy to work with, so I said it would be fine but they could not go in the back as I had a sleeping toddler.  They called back to reschedule.  Today at 10.  Okay, that gives me time to clean and set up the place.  This morning they call at 9:34 saying they cancelled that showing.  Grrr.  Okay, fine.  But THEN I get ANOTHER flippin' call asking to see the house from noon to 2.  Fan-freaking-tastic.  Audrey's usual nap time.  Alright.  So I fix the place up and keep my toddler up and I have no idea if they actually came or not.  Ugh.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving week

What a great Thanksgiving week!  We started out with my MIL coming in to town for a few days.  Audrey really enjoyed having her here and cried so much when she left.  Grammie got her a cozy coupe and I stepped on a plastic screw which caused bleeding and I was in major pain for days.  That's some thick  skin it got through!  After Grammie left, Aunt Nancy stayed with us through today, so Audrey has had such a fun week!  We got to make peppermint patties which were downright sinful.  I will have to post the recipe some time.  My first GF Thanksgiving went well.  Everything was quite delicious.  I wish I had made some croissants though.  It was the only thing I was really missing.  The service was great too.  Just a really great week and I am so thankful for so many blessings in my life.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Grocery Shopping

What was I thinking?  The grocery store on a Saturday?  And not just any Saturday, but the Saturday before Thanksgiving???  I think I went a little mental.

I really don't like grocery shopping.  Especially now, since I have to stop and read every label.  Not my favorite thing to do.  At least I didn't have my 2 year old with me.  She hates grocery shopping too, but she lets everyone know.

DH and I were planning to clean house today, but were forced to do an ultra-fast clean, because someone called to look at the house.  Of course, they wanted to come during Audrey's nap time.  So she went down earlier and we got to cleaning.  My mom helped too.  They thing that whomps is that we don't even know if they really came or not.

So for Thanksgiving, Brent will rotisserie a smaller turkey and I will make blackberry cobbler and sweet potato casserole.  I am glad we will be able to help out.  Hmm, maybe I should make GF rolls?  Ooh, or croissants!

I love this time of year :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

GF Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars :)

Ok, so the experimenting was a great success!!  Even better than the original, IMO.  So this is what went down, so you can see what I did differently from the blondies:

One 15.5 ounce can garbanzo beans (chickpeas) drained and rinsed
2 large eggs (I use egg substitute)
3/4 cup sugar (great place to substitute agave syrup!)
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
handful crushed peanuts
Pre heat oven to 350
Grease 9 by 9 pan.
Place garbanzo beans in food processor blend till smooth and creamy
Add eggs, sugar, peanut butter, vanilla, baking powder, and salt. Process till smooth. 
Pour into pan and bake for 35-40 min
On stovetop, melt the chocolate.  Pour over baked peanut butter bars.  Add as much crushed peanuts on top.  Let harden.
Store left overs in fridge.

Nap, please?!

I hate it when Audrey sleeps in the car.  I don't care if it's 1 minute, she won't nap because of it.  Ugh.  I count on her nap.  Can you tell I am battling it today?!  I hear her on the monitor letting me know she's up. I put on headphones.  I figure she will eventually go to sleep.  I have a couple of projects I am working on and it's the only time of the day I get "me" time.  So sue me, I want to watch an episode of Dr Who in the near future!

I've been helping my mom remodel Peter's kitchen while he and his wife are on vacation with her parents this week.  We got quite a lot done, but it feels like it will never be done.  I got paint on my favorite pair of jeans.  *sigh*

So glad it's Friday.  Hope we can do something fun this weekend.  I just tried something different with those white bean blondies.  If they turned out good, I will let you know what I did in the next entry :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

One more week!

I can't believe it's a week until Thanksgiving!  I love that the weather is cold today and once more I have that wonderful Southwest Chicken soup in the crockpot, making the kitchen smell heavenly.

I wonder what I will contribute to the meal.  I think it'll be good to take at least a side and a dessert, so that I will get to have that.  And I know my bother Peter will bring something I can eat as well.  We're a pretty allergy-friendly family since Peter's had major food allergies for the past 20 years.  It does make it feel like less of a burden on my side since that's just the way we cook.  I think I might just be so frustrated elsewhere.  So now I am trying to think of ideas so I can get what I need from the grocery store.

Christmas shopping is almost done.  Just need to get my youngest BIL's.  Brent doesn't even know what to get him and he hasn't given any ideas.  Argh.  We're supposed to get some sort of settlement from our old electric company in Austin sometime in December, so that is a nice little surprise.  Every little bit helps! :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Happy Birthday, Austin!

I can't believe it's my nephews 5th birthday already!  He is such a fun little guy and I just love this kid!  Here we are when I met him the week of Thanksgiving 5 years ago!

More blood work

I got to have my blood drawn this morning again, oh joy of joys.  My doctor wanted me to get the full panel again as well to check everything since identifying and taking out known food allergies.  I had to fast before hand.  Why is it that whenever you have to fast, you wake up extremely hungry?  I have had issues with borderline hyperglycemia, so it is just no fun.  I was glad that I didn't feel lightheaded after like I usually do.  The doctor should get the results tomorrow or Friday at latest, but she is taking off all of next week.  Poop.  There had better be great results though, otherwise I don't really see much of a point staying on this diet.  It's not like I am losing much weight.  It's just frustrating is what it is!   I will stop whining now :)  Hoping the day gets better.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Baptismal Birthday

Today is Audrey's 2nd baptismal birthday.  Here she is 2 years ago at a little over 5 months old:

Speaking of elephants...

Audrey's favorite movie right now is Dumbo.  I love it that she's getting in to the classics!  Disney is about to release the 70th anniversary edition of Dumbo.  I can't believe it's that old!

Her favorite part is "Pink Elephants on Parade" which is weird.  That always creeped me out as a kid.  But she "sings" along with it with her own lyrics and dances.

I used to sing her "Baby Mine" when she was an infant.  And yes, usually bawl during it.  Here are those lyrics, so beautiful:

Baby mine, don't you cry
Baby mine, dry your eyes
Rest your head close to my heart
Never to part, baby of mine
Little one when you play
Don't you mind what you say
Let those eyes sparkle and shine
Never a tear, baby of mine
If they knew sweet little you
They'd end up loving you too
All those same people who scold you
What they'd give just for
The right to hold you
From your head to your toes
You're not much, goodness knows
But you're so precious to me
Cute as can be, baby of mine

Girl friend's

Yesterday's speaker at Treasure Keepers really touched me.  I am touched every time I go, but I wanted to share one illustration that shows the importance of girl friend's.

I didn't know this, but I think it's pretty awesome...

Of course you know that elephants travel in a herd.  Did you know that if a female elephant is injured or sick and falling behind the herd, 2 other female elephants will go on either side of her and push toward her to help her keep up?

How awesome is that?!


Today I went to Wholesome Foods Bakery.  It's a local bakery that is completely gluten-free and soy-free and about 98% dairy-free as well as all-natural and organic.  They also do egg-free on some of their items.  Finally a bread that it palatable!  I've been wanting a freaking slice of toast, so this is divine!  Also got some pretty wonderful pumpkin walnut bread, WFB Mix (sorta like Chex mix) and as a little treat, a strawberry and an Italian Creme cake ball.  Everything is so wonderful.  Yes, it is pricey, but not any more than a regular bakery, IMO.  $2.50 for a cake ball, $10 for a loaf.  Everything I tried has been delightful.  They have Thanksgiving goodies out right now and I can't wait to see what they come up with for Christmas!!  So glad to have found a bakery that works with my special needs AND is yummy AND has super-nice people running the place :)

Instead of Sheep...

The other night, I was having trouble sleeping, so I decided to start listing things I am thankful for and praised God for them.  I fell right asleep thinking of the many ways I am so very blessed.  Made me think of Bing Crosby's song "Count Your Blessings (Instead of Sheep)" when I recalled it the next day.  Thought I would share the lyrics:

When I'm worried and I can't sleep
I count my blessings instead of sheep
And I fall asleep counting my blessings
When my bankroll is getting small
I think of when I had none at all
And I fall asleep counting my blessings

I think about a nursery and I picture curly heads
And one by one I count them as they slumber in their beds
If you're worried and you can't sleep
Just count your blessings instead of sheep
And you'll fall asleep counting your blessings

Monday, October 31, 2011

White Bean "Blondies"

A friend gave me this recipe and I tried them out the other day and they were wonderful!  I substituted for the egg and used agave syrup for the sugar.  They were super easy.  I wouldn't really call them blondies.  Maybe like a cookie bar.  They are so delicious!  Enjoy.

White Bean Blondies

One 15.5 ounce can garbanzo beans (chickpeas) drained and rinsed
2 large eggs
3/4 cup sugar
2 Tbsp. Canola oil
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 cup gluten free old fashion oats
3/4 cup mini semi-sweet chocolate chips.

Pre heat oven to 350
Grease 9 by 9 pan.
Place garbanzo beans in food processor blend till smooth and creamy
Add eggs, sugar, oil, vanilla, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. Process till smooth. Add chips and oats and pulse till blended
Pour into pan and bake for 35-40 min
Let stand 20 min
Store left overs in fridge.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Bad food decisions

Monday through Wednesday, I made bad decisions diet-wise.  Monday I went to Applebee's.  There was no gluten-free menu.  I got a salad, but I know I got trace amounts of gluten probably from the dressing and I got some crunchies.  I don't think I had much of a reaction.  Tuesday I went to lunch at Maggiano's and they have a great gluten free menu and were extremely friendly about it.  However, there was a sprinkling of parm and then I had a coupon for a free dessert so my Dad and I split a creme brulee.  Bad.  That did a little more.  But then yesterday, I got to see my little old cajun lady.  I had so much stuff I shouldn't have had.  It tore me up something awful.  I've behaved myself today.   At least I know it's no biggie if I get a tiny amount of something.

Yesterday was the 8th anniversary of my Grandaddy's death.  I took him a gardenia from his yard.  I can't believe it's been that long.

I have Southwest Chicken Soup in the crockpot.  It's smells delicious.  I love that it's cold!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Allergen-free Porkchops (except nuts)

I have been playing around with recipes.  Got some pork chops the other day that were on manager's special at Kroger and was trying to decide how to do them up.  They turned out absolutely delicious, so I thought I would share what I did.

I put some almond flour on a plate, sprinkled some Tony Chachere's and parsley flakes on it and stirred it around.  I pressed the meat in to the mixture and pan fried it, then stuck it in the oven to complete cooking. So simple and SO good!

Hope someone can enjoy this!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Basket of Goodies

What a nice weekend we spent with Derek and Sarah!  I am so glad they came to visit.  They enjoyed the fair.  It was Sarah's first time.  Can't believe she had never been before.  Wish I had been able to go with them, but I had rehearsal and I had known about it for quite a while.  Our concert is tonight!

I got to pick up my goodies today.  There are some neat thing's in there, but some stuff I could've done without.  The good side is I was able to make a basket of some of the more interesting thing's for my MIL's Christmas gift.  Brent helped me pick thing's out.  There was a certificate for a free Which Wich and a huge shampoo that had wheat in it that went to Brent.  He's excited about the sandwich and is almost out of shampoo, so it works.  There are a bunch of bows that really aren't my taste, so I will probably save them to put on gifts and so on, few handmade cards, a freaky book that I don't know what to think about.  Some jewelry I am trying to figure out if I even like.  There's a cloth diaper kit that I will save for the next baby.  I don't know the first thing about cloth diapering, and I am about to start potty training Audrey so I don't want to start.  There's some Scentsy hand sanitizer and a scent bar, but no warmer.  I'll have to go get a warmer now.  I have several friends who sell Scentsy, but can't remember who so I put up a FB post and whoever puts her site up first, gets my business.  There are a few cute thing's for Audrey's stocking like a kids music CD.  So there was a ton of stuff.  Not sure if it was worth $500, but oh well.  More than what I put down for the tickets (6 for $5) so I did well :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day got better

So yesterday was just a rotten day until after dinner when Brent, Audrey and I went on a walk.  I felt almost immediately better.  Brent and I get these amazing talks in when we go on walks and Audrey gets to play at the park, so everyone is happy.  When we got back, I noticed I got an email and it was the organizer of the holistic families expo last weekend saying that I won the $500 gift basket!  I forget what all is in it, but how cool is that?!  My mom joked that now maybe I am on a roll and I will win the Toyota Sienna from the Fair.  That would be AWESOME!  I want a minivan so badly, as has been previously stated.  Derek and Sarah got in last night, not quite as late as we thought they were, so we were able to visit some last night.  So it did turn out to be a pretty awesome day!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

State Fair of Texas!

Audrey and I went to the Fair yesterday with my folks.  My dad volunteers at the butterfly house on Thursday's and gets free tickets.  It's also Senior day, so my folks get in free anyway.  So I got a free ticket, we got to park for free, Audrey of course is free and my folks are old so they are free!  Woot!  It's a good thing too, because everything is soooooo expensive.  I finally found a place that sold turkey legs for 14 tickets instead of 18 (that's $7 vs. $9!).  Audrey really enjoyed it.  She loved the calf at the Borden exhibit, but Elsie sort of freaked her out.  She got some free ice cream and didn't protest too much.  She loved the butterfly exhibit, especially with GrandBink there.

Enjoying her fair muffin

Beaureguard the calf

Audrey tried to crawl in with him :)

The bees were kinda cool

She loves her GrandBink

Following Grandmomma

Picked a flower and put a sticker on it

Looking at a butterfly

Missing DRD

Since I'm already cranking, I thought I would write about something that has been bothering me a good long while now.  That way my last entry will be my happy one :)

I miss David.  He truly was a music MINISTER.  He cared about each and every person in the choir.  He took the time to contact you personally if he hadn't heard from you in a while.  He was such an encourager.  There was no doubt that he had a close personal relationship with Christ.  He left our church right after Granddaddy died, then a few years he lost his battle to stomach cancer.  It's around the 2nd anniversary of his death so I guess that's why I'm thinking about him.

And choir now just isn't the same.  I try not to compare, but something has been eating at me.  It seems like our director is "weeding" those of us out that aren't professional singers and bringing in more and more paid soloists.  The size is no where near what it used to be and I notice new members being quickly chased off.  What?  You don't know Latin?!  You must be an idiot!  That is seriously how I feel each and every rehearsal, then I remind myself that it IS a volunteer choir and God does love a joyful noise, even if I or anyone else makes a "dumb" mistake.  I come from a family of musicians, so I feel like I have a right to say this, but musicians can seriously be the most snotty group of people.  I seriously want to punch some of these "professionals" in the face when they start laughing at someone's mistake.  Are you freaking kidding me?!  At times I feel like quitting, but I like to sing unto God.  I don't have the most lovely of voices.  I could use training, true.  You wanna pay for it?  But I imagine God as Father loving the sounds of His children's voices no matter what.  Sort of like how Audrey has taken up singing lately. Does she have correct pitch and always singing the right words?  No!  But it's sweeter than any other sound, because it's her.  She's singing to momma with all her heart and she's so happy and puts her whole self into it.  And so, to me, it's beautiful.

That's all there is to say about that.  Peace.

Lagging on my entries!

I can already think of 3 entries today.  Can you tell I've had my coffee???  Part of it is because I haven't been posting as well as I thought I would be so thing's I would've blogged about have come and gone.  Some thing's I haven't blogged about because of concern about who would see them.  I am about to throw caution to the wind in 2 of my posts today, including this one.

It's one of those days today.  I have been crying on and off since waking.  Just feeling down.  I am on my period, so that doesn't help.  Almost everyone in our families are on my bad side.  Those that I don't have issues with, just let me think about it for a while and I will think of one.  Yes, that is just how I am feeling today.  Sorry to any family reading this.  I love you all, but lately I have felt like taking Brent and Audrey to an undisclosed location and starting fresh.  Right now, I don't think I would care if I ever see other family members ever again.  Again, this is just how I feel right now.  I will probably take this back in the next hour.  I know I am horrible for even thinking this, but I am sick of being looked down on for various things by various family members.  Both our sides are guilty of this.  BAD.  And I'm pissed.  There.  I said it.  Phew, that does feel better!

Brent is my sweetie though.  I could tell he hated leaving me when he went in to work and I was sobbing over not having a car.  While I was sniffling later on and cleaning up the kitchen, I saw that he had made some coffee for me.  It's the little gestures of love.  God has truly blessed me.  Audrey is being real sweet today too.  She is pretty much entertaining herself and not being whiney.  I think she is enjoying staying at home today since we had been doing so much.  She loves playing with her toy cars.  That's what I'm watching her playing with while I am typing all of this out.  She'll be getting pizza or a quesadilla for lunch.  She is so flippin' cute and excited to see her Uncle Derek and Aunt Sarah this weekend!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Joyful Baby Planning

Yesterday, my good friend Kristina asked me to help her man her booth at a natural family expo here in town.  She just started up a business called Joyful Baby Planning.  I say just started up, but she's been doing this sort of thing for years now.  She has this wealth of knowledge and you're "go-to" gal for all things baby.  Anyway, thought I would send a shout out there in cyber space.  Check her website out at!  :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

We'll take the rain!

Texas has been suffering.  Finally we are getting some rain!  When it hasn't in so long, it kicks up all sorts of thing's though.  None of us feel great.  I've started wanting to go to bed at 6 since Thursday.  Not a great feeling, but we need this rain and the cooler weather is fantastic so I will try not to complain.

Christmas is coming up!  I have almost all of my Christmas shopping done.  Just need to get one of my SIL's, MIL's, FIL's and my youngest BIL, not to mention all of Audrey's.  Audrey will be the most fun to shop for, so I am not worried about it.  FIL and BIL, DH gets to be in charge of and I am pretty sure what to get MIL.  I love that I do my shopping through the year.  I am usually always done by the end of October.  I am waiting on Audrey to see if her tastes changes.  So it might end up being later, so we'll see.

I have to make my list for the IL's.  I have so far thought of a cook book.  I thought of a bunch of books, so I may just ask for the cheapest Kindle and that's it.  Oh well, I still have time.

Audrey has been singing along to her shows more.  I have been hearing her saying more and more.  I attempted to trim her bangs yesterday by myself for the first time.  Trim fail.  Oh well, at least it grows!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Full Weekend

October weekend's end up being crazy-busy.  Why is that?  This last weekend, we had a choir "retreat".  I put it in quotations, because it isn't what it sounds like.  It's more of a workshop and is very tiring.  After it, I think I just stared at the wall for an hour in shock.  I don't recall that afternoon....

Brent's parent's came in this weekend.  Audrey LOVED it!  She was sooooo mad when they left last night.  Total devastation.  Poor baby.  When someone gives you a chocolate shake, you are pretty sure you never want to see them leave (she is her mommy's girl after all!).  They took her shopping yesterday while Brent and I took a nap and she had such a good time.  Of course she's good for Grammie and Gramps and also the fact they were shopping for her.

We finally got much needed rain.  I think it's messing with my allergies, but we need it so bad.  It is also nice and cool because of it.  Feels like Fall finally.

Might go to the fair Thursday.  Or wait until next Thursday.  Why Thursday?  Because my Dad volunteers then and I can get in for free :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My Parent's 40th Wedding Anniversary

My siblings and I threw an anniversary party for my mom and dad in honor of their 40th anniversary on Saturday afternoon.  I think it was really nice and although my parent's knew about it, they didn't know who was coming.  I think it was a nice surprise for them.

I made my first "wedding" cake.  It turned out ok.  The first 2 layers were allergen free and they turned out fine.  A little on the dry side, but pretty tasty.  I really don't have any leftovers, so I guess that's a good sign :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Gluten & Allergen Free Expo

I am so glad that I talked myself in to going to the Gluten and Allergen Free Expo this past weekend.  I found thing's I definitely want to try and thing's that I definitely want to stay away from.  It can be tricky cooking this type of food and often times these products can taste like the unholy spawn of cardboard and sand.  Eww.

3 brands I had never heard of and fell in love with were Kettle Cuisine, AllergyFree Foods and Hail Merry.  Kettle Cuisine soups were amazing.  I tried the Thai Curry Chicken Soup and wasn't expecting much, but oh my.  Delicious.  My sister tried the angus beef steak chili with beans and she went on and on about that one as well.  I have to find it in the stores now.  Great for those days I don't feel like cooking or if Brent is out to dinner.  AllergyFree Foods was pretty much just chicken products.  Best chicken tenders ever.  I have no idea what goes in to these, but they are the bomb diggity and you can't tell that they are missing anything.  They just taste like really good chicken tenders.  Having a hard time finding these.  I may have to beg for my local grocery stores to carry them.  I'm on my knees here, people!!  Now the wonderful Hail Merry.  Heavenly.  Everything they threw at me was divine.  Pure bliss.  Couldn't tell I was "missing out" on anything.  Not only are they completely allergen free, they are also vegan and raw, which is pretty amazing.  All their yummy treats are cholesterol free as well and have all sorts of added benefits.   Even if you took away those bonuses, these treats are amazing anyway.  Their macaroons melt in your mouth and come in both blonde and chocolate varieties.  I can't chose a favorite.  The chocolate torte....sigh.... No words.  I could eat my weight in those.  Maple vanilla almonds?!  Yes please!  I found some of their thing's at Natural Grocers today, but ordered their sampler box online.  I want to work for them.  Even if it's just doing grunt work for them.  I don't care.  They are an amazing company and I have never believed in a product as much as I do theirs.  Every one I meet will know about Hail Merry.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fun weekend ahead!

I've been watching a cute, feel-good Korean show and there was a quote I liked today.  I have no idea if it's a true saying or if it is one in Korea or what, but the main girl character said something like: "It is said that if you share your worries, they are cut in half.  If you share your joys, they are doubled".  I like that.

I am getting ready for my parent's 40th anniversary bash we're having here on Saturday.  It's going to be so much fun!  I made a 3 tiered cake.  The smaller 2 are allergy free, while the bottom is a plain white cake. I filled it with fresh strawberries and just frosted it plainly.  I went to the grocery store and got some nice flowers on clearance to put on it.  I hope it turns out well.

I've been settling more in to the gluten/dairy/egg/soy free life more.  Soy is most definitely the hardest to avoid.  It's in a lot of thing's, even grilled meat!  Which is scary, because an over-consumption of the stuff can lead to breast cancer in women and infertility in men.  But it's cheap to grow and so sneaked in to a lot of our food.

I wish Brent was more supportive.  He acts like it's this huge pain in the bum and an inconvenience for him.  It's aggravating.  Like tonight, I was trying to feed Audrey and myself some dinner since he was going to eat with a friend.  I was hoping that he would get together Audrey's so that I could get mine and make it easier.  But since I am trying to keep Audrey off of gluten as well (several reasons for this), he kept complaining about he didn't know what to feed her because she can't have Ritz or bread.  Finally I had to stop what I was doing and make a pb&j on a corn tortilla. How freaking hard was that?!

Complaint over.

Anyway, I am really looking forward to seeing family and friends this weekend.  My 1st friend I ever had (seriously, we were babies) is coming along with her little boy who is a few weeks younger than Audrey.  I just have to do some cleaning tomorrow.  We aren't dirty people, so it's not hard.  Just doing the mopping and vacuuming and dusting.  Shouldn't take long.  I haven't seen my big brother in a few months, so I am excited!  He's the one who planned the whole thing.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Rough Afternoon

We finally got our pictures done for the HPPC directory today.  Talk about putting it off until the last moment!  Audrey ralphed right before and I am tired because I started my period today and there was a shadow in all the pictures making Brent look like he had a black eye.  So not our best pictures, but it's done.

Right after us was another young couple with a girl I pegged to be around Audrey's age probably a little older.  Then I asked and the mom said she was 22 months.  What??? And here she was having full conversations and this that and the other and here is my closer to 2 and a half year old babbling like some crazy old woman at a nursing home.  I wish I could eat a dang cookie.  It's kids like them that make me feel like I have got to be the worst mother in the world.  Like I've failed somewhere.

But then I had a friend post this on her facebook:
It is disturbing but part of me says, at least I'm not that bad!

In other news, it's less than 2 hours until the season premiere of Castle!!!!!!  YAY!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Another Holistic Doctor Visit

I forgot to update about my appointment I had on Wednesday morning.

It went well.  It's all still very overwhelming.  I did find out it is a pretty serious allergy to it all.  It would take at least 3 days and probably more like a week for me to feel better after ingesting a little of what I am supposed to stay away from.  So this means I really, really shouldn't have my once a year corny dog at the state fair.  I am so bummed.  Maybe I won't even go.  Eh, we'll see.  I just get frustrated sometimes.

I also found out I have to watch out for all of this stuff in my cosmetics and skin products.  Do you know how hard it is to find conditioner without wheat or soy in it?  Much harder than I expected.  I was on the brink of tears yesterday trying to find something at Whole Foods.  I finally found that their own brand of shampoo and conditioner was free of allergens.  The lavender kind anyway.

Next came makeup.  I had a cranky toddler with me, so I grabbed some stuff I thought would work.  I took it all back today.  I finally found a brand that worked and didn't cost me an arm and a leg (cheaper than my drug store purchases!): Rejuva Minerals.  The only downfall is that it isn't sold in stores, so I am sort of guessing on the colors.  They recommend that you get this sampler where you pick 3 trial size foundations so I did my best at guessing.

As far as most thing's go, I am having the most issues with soy.  I wish I wasn't allergic to soy.  It's in absolutely flippin' everything.  I love Asian food.

I found some great things on Amazon.  I sort of went a little crazy finding thing's yesterday.  Poor Brent.  I am usually pretty good about not spending a penny, but at least it is in the grocery category.  It's just in bulk, so eh.

I am beginning to note a difference.  I feel a little more "with it".  I am already even losing weight.  So I can do this!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Treasure Keepers

Starting yesterday, we all felt better.  Yay!

I went to Treasure Keepers, which is a Bible study for young moms.  I was really blessed by the teaching and there are some really wonderful ladies in there.  I am hoping to get really involved with that.  Well, as much as I can get being a one car family.

Audrey is cutting another 2 year molar.  It is the devil.  She woke up early, had a very short nap and was extremely cranky before bed.  She snuggles a lot and is screaming bloody murder the next second.  I made gluten, egg, milk, and soy free brownies and gave her one.  They are so yummy!

I have another holistic doctor appointment tomorrow morning.  I need to sit down and write down all the questions I have.  Then I have my first choir board meeting as robe chairman and choir practice, so it's going to be a long day.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


I've been sick since Tuesday.  My throat started to get achy then.  I ignored it, thinking it was allergies.  Audrey had started being sick Sunday night and Brent stayed home from work on Thursday.  Today and yesterday, it's just my sinuses.

The more I think about it, the more I think I know where Audrey picked this up from and then felt compelled to share with her parents: a lollypop from 1/2 Price Books.  We had a family outing and we were all enjoying looking at the wonderful books they had to offer.  Since it was Audrey and 4 adults, I admit my eyes weren't always on her, but looking for a particular book.  Mistake.  I happen to turn around and she had a 1/2 eaten lolly in her hand.  Sick sick sick!  I didn't know if she stuck it in her mouth, but I took it from her and wiped her down with a butt wipe, but she does suck her thumb so if the germy lolly slime got on her thumb...*shudder*....

My sister said it reminded her of the line in Elf "the gum on the sidewalk is NOT free candy" or something like that.

Anyway, there are a couple of other places it could've come from, but I am pretty convinced someone's pumpkin child who left their nasty lollypop at 1/2 Price is the culprit.  Gross.  Parents, if your child brings food in to a place, make sure they ate it all or threw it away.  I had to do this the other day.  Finally hunted down that cookie.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Gluten Free Mixes

I've tried 3 GF mixes so far.  One from Arrowhead Mills and 2 from Bob's Red Mill.  I found these at Big Lots, so really the best prices on these things.  The Arrowhead Mills mix was chocolate chip cookies.  They were tasty.  The texture was different.  Fluffy, sort of marshmallow-like.  I like them, so does Brent.  Audrey is not too sure.  The downside was that it does contain soy.  Found that out after I ate like 3.  Bob's Red Mill brownie mix was pretty tasty, especially with pecans!  Warm that baby up and you can't even tell.  Same with the Bob's Red Mill GF pizza mix.  Can't tell at all!  I made a pizza tonight with goat cheese, spinach and basil.  It was seriously one of the best pizza's ever and completely gluten, egg, soy and cow milk free!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Soul Battle Series

Brent's book is now available online for download on Kindle and the Kindle app.  Tell you friends and tell them to tell their friends!  This is so exciting!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Milk Tasting

I had my milk tasting tonight and I thought I would review each one of them.

Almond milk:  $2.29
Good all around milk.  Definite almond taste.  Smooth and light.  If I just got one milk, this would be              the one.  It's really good in chocolate.
60 calories
2.5 g fat
0 cholesterol
150 mg sodium
7 g sugars
1 g protein

Coconut milk: $2.49
Good flavor, but a little too watery for my taste.  May be good in baking because of the sweet, coconut flavor.  
80 calories
5 g fat
0 cholesterol
15 mg sodium
6 g sugars
1 g protein

Goat milk: $3.29
I want to like it.  I really do.  It was Brent's favorite out of all of them.  Tangy and buttery, I am thinking it's more of an acquired taste.
100 calories
2.5 g fat
10 mg cholesterol
115 mg sodium
11 g sugars
8 g protein

Hazelnut milk: $2.59
This was my personal favorite.  It's the sweetest of the milks and the only one I could imagine drinking straight up.  
110 calories
3.5 g fat
0 cholesterol
120 mg sodium
14 g sugars
2 g protein

Hemp milk: $3.25
Brent said this one was the most like soy milk.  It was labeled to have Omega 3 and 6.  To me, it tasted like it.  Not a good thing.  
100 calories
6 g fat
0 cholesterol
110 mg sodium
6 g sugars
2 g protein

Health food store

I am still processing my change of diet.  We went to visit Brent's folks in Houston this past weekend and I ate all the wrong things.  I didn't want to start while out of town.  Plus, I didn't want to be a burden.  Next time, I can just bring my own food and it will be a-okay.

I went to a health food store today to see what sort thing's were out there.  I got all sorts of alternative milk to try: goat, hemp, coconut, hazelnut and almond.  I will record my findings and see which one I will end up going with.  I've tried rice milk before and it was too watery for my taste.

I behaved myself today, except for breakfast since I didn't have anything in the house as an alternative to milk.  So I went ahead and had one last cup of my instant coffee I love too.  Dinner will be simple grilled chicken, fresh steamed veggies and mediterranean quinoa.  And a glass of red wine for my cholesterol.

I can do this!!

I am meeting with the holistic doctor next Wednesday.  She's a nutritionist, so she can sit down with me and map out what my food options are.  It's easy to get overwhelmed.  I have requested several books at the library that look helpful.  It's a good thing I enjoy reading!

Friday, September 2, 2011

CURSES (Part Deux)!!!!!!!!

Well, I got the results of my poop test back this morning.  Not good news.  I am allergic to everything I was tested for: gluten, egg, milk, and soy.  Sooooo does not make my day.  At least I know why I've been feeling so bad. I get all of these daily.  And now I can work with my holistic doctor and get the right diet for me and maybe I will actually lose some weight and more importantly, feel better.  I'm just trying to process this still.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

He's still got it!

Brent looked at me with a strange look at dinner tonight and told me about his day.  Evidently at one of the vet clinics he picks up from, some lady had told him "this is from her" and winked at him and gave him a folded up sheet of paper.  He confusingly went off and saw that it had some gals name and number on it.  Wow.  Just wow.  His direct quote was  that he was flabbergasted.  I love it that he uses words like that.  Anyway, he was worried I would be mad, but it sort of tickled me.  I said, well she has good taste.  I feel sorry for her if she didn't notice the ring, but if she did.... grrrrrr!  And he doesn't even know which "her" it's from.  There are 5 ladies working at this place, although he ruled out the ones that are old enough to be his mother.  But I said you never know!  I love teasing this man.

My day involved getting ready to go to Houston for the long weekend.  We're getting our pictures taken, so I've been twisting in the wind about what to do for that.  I feel so gosh-darned chunky, so I've been hating pretty much every picture of myself lately.  I am excited to see pictures of Audrey though.  I have a really cute idea for one of hers.  With ours I will probably decide on a close-up of our faces.  It's nice of my in-laws to do this for us though.  They felt bad that there were close to no pictures of us at the wedding.  Not that it was anybody's fault.  But I really do have awesome in-laws, don't I?  So excited to see them tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Minivan Envy!

'Twas one of those days.  Let me first say that I am so incredibly thankful for Brent's job and it pays better than my full-time job I had.  But it's a double-edged sword, since he has to use the car.  It's a part-time medical courier position and he has to use our most fuel efficient vehicle.  I would suck it up and use the big chunky van, but the car seat does not fit in it well at all.  I can't get the seat belts tight enough, so it can tip over.  Most days, it's fine.  My parent's don't live far away, so my mom will pick us up and we will get an outing.  When it gets cooler, there will be nice opportunities for walks.  There's a nice park close and a shopping center is not too horribly far away.  But today my mom had thing's she needed to do, so I was stranded at home with a particularly cranky toddler.  So I got cranky right back.  Not one of my finer moments.

Lord, I want a minivan.  Preferably a Toyota Sienna or Honda Odyssey.  I find myself staring at shiny new minivans and drooling slightly.  I will definitely need one by the time baby #2 comes, because the Corolla can barely fit the car seat as it is.  Forget 2.  Hopefully things will start looking up for us soon, and it can be my 30th birthday present.  Is that too much to ask?!

At least I did apply to something like 8 jobs on behalf of Brent.  A few here (free rent is nice), a few in Colorado (yes, cooler weather would be AWESOME), a few in California (because that's where a ton of Japanese jobs are) and several in Houston (I imagine my MIL singing the full Hallelujah Chorus in her head if she finds out).  When he got back, we worked together to get his book published on Amazon Kindle.  It won't be on in 24 hours, so I will be sure to put a link up when it becomes available.  So it was a productive day, just got stir-crazy.

Hence, the minivan envy.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Last few days

Thought I would share my favorite site for thyroid help.  It's Mary Shomon's  So full of information and you can subscribe to a newsletter too.  I have found it extremely helpful.

Audrey woke up before 7 these last 2 days.  Today she was quite the crank and I didn't get much done.  Oh well, I am hoping she will finally get straightened out.

It all started when we went to a party Saturday night, but I mainly hung out with Audrey and our friend's 4 1/2 year old daughter.  I think they had a pretty good time.  I made this award-winning recipe of bread pudding with whiskey sauce.  It turned out so good.  Let me know if you want me to post it.  Love the fact that our pastor of young adults took 2 large helpings.  He said he was taking one to his wife.  I will have to ask her if she got hers :)  I think I'll be making that for my brother Reed's birthday.  I think he would really like it.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

1st Plane Trip/1st Beach Trip!

My Dad took my mom, sister, Audrey and I to the beach yesterday and we got back today.  It was Audrey's first time in the plane and her first time to the sea.  She LOVED both!  We had such a good time :)

Flippin' Annoyed...

So finally after over a month of waiting, Derek and Sarah's wedding pictures are all available online.  Yay! So I was just looking through them, especially excited to see the reception pictures, because I had gone up to one of the photographers and asked for a picture of the 3 of us and I was going to use it for our Christmas cards.  Sweet!  Professional photo without paying a sitting fee.  But I look just now, and there are only 3 pictures of us, only 1 including Audrey.  I am so flippin' mad.  Maybe they haven't gotten them all up yet?!  But seriously, I know I annoyed the photographer earlier for accidently getting in a shot when I was chasing after my 2 year old and I am wondering if this is just her way of getting back, because there are like a BILLION of Sarah's snotty little niece and none of my child.  Sorry, just annoyed.  If you like looking at wedding pictures though, it's

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Crab Stacks

I'm making crab stacks for dinner.  It's an easy, no-cook dinner recipe that my mom put together after having something very similar at some fancy restaurant.  Brent always wants something else to go with it, but I like it by itself.

For 2:
Get a couple of cups
Put about 1/4 crab at the bottom of each cup (I use imitation.  It's already cooked, so I just chop it up and put it right in.)
Cube about 1/2 a small or 1/4 large mango for each cup and that's the next layer.
Cube 1/2 an avocado for each cup and pack that in.
Top each cup with 1/2 diced small tomato.
Cover and chill.
Meanwhile in small bowl, add the juice of a lemon or a lime with a couple of tablespoons of mayo and stir it up.
Grab cups from fridge, take a knife along the edge and turn out on to plate.  Spoon sauce over crab stack.

Let me know if you try this out.  I was a little skeptical at first, but I really like it.  Plus, it has been just too dadgum hot here to cook!

Monday, August 22, 2011


I got my blood tests back today.  My flippin' thyroid is normal.  NORMAL?!?!   Not even on one end, but right smack dab in the middle.  Argh.  So that means my issues lately don't have to do with thyroid, even though I have thyroid symptoms.

My cholesterol was slightly high and so was hematocrit (whatever the heck that is).  The only crazy thing was Vitamin D: 14.1 ng/mL.  It should be between 50.0-100.0, so yay I am extremely Vitamin D deficient, so my doctor's office called me up and gave me a high dose of Vitamin D-3 with Vitamin K-2 MenaQ (25,000 IU[!]).

I delivered my frozen poop to the lab today and that can take up to 3 weeks to process.  I hope since I hand delivered, I will get my results faster.  Then I will meet with Dr. Heidi and get to the bottom of whatever is my issue.

I am sort of bummed it wasn't my thyroid.  That would have been an easy enough fix. :/

You Know You're the Mommy of a Toddler....

When you discover spaghetti sauce on the back of your shirt, you've been like that all day and you don't even care.

Your dreams include full episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

You might not remember what you did this morning, but you can sing along with all the lyrics to Wonderpets.

You start talking to other adults about needing to go poopie and wee-wee.

Two words: minivan envy.

I'll be adding to this I'm sure.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I Keep Forgetting....

to take my drops that are supposed to help with my memory.  So poetic.  They are out in the fridge, so I just don't think about them.  Yes, I did say "out".  Our inside fridge doesn't work so instead of figuring out how to switch the 2 out, we just go out to the garage and it's not that big of a deal.

My nephew Austin was in town for the last week and he went back yesterday.  We had a good time.  I still think he thinks of me as the chick that goes with Uncle Brent, but at one point he hugged me and told me he loved me.  It was a pretty big deal.  I admit, I teared up a bit.  It's the first time to my recollection.  No one telling him to do it anyway, just him being a sweetie.  His big phrase was "Let me tell you something".  He started everything with that.  My mom, Austin, Audrey and I surprised my grandparent's on Thursday by paying them a visit.  Pretty sure we made their whole month.  I am just glad they actually had their AC on.  I had been worried about that.

Nancy and I went out on a sister date yesterday.  We went for sushi, then went to see "The Help" after shopping around for a bit.  It was an excellent book and the movie was very good as well.  I love that they kept the pie in there.  I wondered if they would, since it is somewhat scandalous.

Got Skype to work with my in-laws.  They really enjoyed seeing Audrey even though she kept hanging up on them.  I wish the end call button wasn't right on the screen of the iPod Touch, but no one asked me.  I hope we get to do this more.

Promotion Sunday was today and so Audrey went to a real Sunday School class!  I can't believe they start at 2!  I don't get to drop her off or pick her up, since I do choir then we rush over to our Japanese church, so I have no idea how her first day went.  I think she was a little freaked out just simply because it was a new room.  I am so excited about this though!

I've been feeling pretty good with the stuff the holistic doctor gave me.  Glutathione, high dose Omega 3, and dopamine for those interested.  I am glad that I am able to get some relief while waiting on results.  Of course I said I've done the blood tests so I am waiting to hear those results.  I got the kit for the stool and DNA kit.  The swabbing of the cheek thing was simple enough, but these folks want an entire cup of poop.  TMI?!  Oh well, that's what this thing is.  Anyway, so that's been fun.

So it's been a lazy Sunday afternoon, like a Sunday afternoon is supposed to be.  I got in to the dang Mother's iced animal crackers.  Curses.  Why are they so flippin' good?  I am just glad they are almost gone and I won't buy them again.  Bad, bad, BAD!