Thursday, August 23, 2012

Fluff Giveaway!

There is a fantastic giveaway going on right now.  After getting in with JBP, I have been trying to become more educated on the greener way of life and cloth diapering and would like to have our next kid soon, so I figure I should start stocking up!

So here's the link!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Moving forward

Well, DH finally got his SIM application in.  Yay!  I already sent out my thank you notes to my references, even though they haven't received the forms yet.  I figured if I didn't do it then, it wouldn't get done. 

I had a good talk with my mom yesterday about the whole going to Japan thing.  We have yet to hear back from a teaching job.  I have seen what DH has put in and I have worked for schools before, so I can tell you that there is no reason whatsoever why he should not have had at least an interview.  Except God has bigger, better plans for us.  Japan.  There is training in September, then there isn't any until January.  It would be cutting the butter, they would have to send out our reference forms, the references would have to send them back ASAP, and they would have to approve us quickly to be able to go.  But I do believe it can be done.  Right now we just get to play the waiting game.

Have I said that I hate the waiting game?

You may have heard, don't pray for patience because your patience will be tried.  My mom so wisely said in response that pray for patience anyway, because your patience will be tried no matter what and you can get through it with God's help!  My mother is a very wise woman.  So I guess I will need prayers for patience in this waiting game :)

In other news...
I got the strangest email from my favorite SIL yesterday.  It seemed so distant and cold and was only a few sentences.  I tried calling her and she didn't pick up.  It was just plain odd.  Has this ever happened to any one out there?  I finally gave up and sent her back a pretty detailed email, but it has sort of unsettled me.  I've been kind of concerned about her anyway, so this just is another tic.  Hope everything is okay.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Needles can be FUN!

Can I just say.....


I went back today after having an appointment on Monday as well.  I my goodness, it mellows me out, makes me think clearly, makes my temper more even, and has even begun to clear my skin!  And we are working on my chunk now, so that's awesome!

I undid the good work on Monday after consuming way too much gluten.  It was my anniversary.  I wanted cake, dang it.  Paid for it on Tuesday.  I was getting mad at every little thing, everyone was my enemy, nothing was good about like.  I should not eat cake.  Very bad feelings. 

But I am back in the saddle, so things should be groovy.  Yay me!

Monday, August 13, 2012

7th Anniversary

7 years ago today, I married my best friend and love of my life.  We've had our ups and downs, but our marriage has remained strong through God's good grace.  We've had that 7 years of famine, so now we're ready for a feast!

I was able to send off my part of the SIM application on Saturday.  I feel pretty good about it and I think I got some good references.  So I guess I should back up in case I forgot to mention it before.  A year ago last January, we were rejected from Asian Access to be missionaries to Japan.  This has still been on our hearts though and there were a lot of "why" questions.  It just wasn't His timing yet.  When we decided to explore this option again at the beginning of the summer, we found that Asian Access had sort of been absorbed in to SIM.  I don't know how else to describe it.  AA still exists, but SIM takes care of the bulk of everything.  We both passed the phone interview part, then this last week we heard we passed the pre-application part!  The full application is our next step, then I believe we can do SIMGo, where we meet the US staff in person and get evaluated, if approved. The next one is soon, like mid-September soon, but I believe hat if we get right on it and they get right on it, we can make that one.  If we don't, the next one is in January.  Please be praying for our process!  If we get in to the one in September, there is then further training in November.  If it's January, it would be March.  And we would be pretty good to go once we raise the funds, which we know we have a bit just from our past experience.

Don't know what we'll be doing today to celebrate our anniversary, but it will be sweet.  God has been good.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Productive Trip

We are finally back after spending about a week in Houston.  DH had a guy's weekend with his dad and one of his brothers.  His other brother had to bail, because his wife's grandmother died.  They had a great time though and hope to do something similar again. 

We decided to spend a little longer to see old friends and do some networking.  Also brainstormed on jobs.  It was a pretty productive time!  But I am so glad to be back home.  I slept so much better last night in my own comfy bed, took a shower in my own bath with all of my stuff. 

DD and I had a fun time with Grammie while the men were away.  We got to go to the circus on Saturday and DD absolutely LOVED it!  She was dancing and clapping and enjoying all her goodies.  Fun was had by all.  I really enjoyed going to church and lunch the next day.  And of course we went out for cupcakes after.  During DD's nap, Grammie and I watched some old films before the men came home.  It was just a lovely day. 

I am helping out with My Consign on Saturday and have to be there bright and early.  Hope everything turns out!  Must remember to pack food, since I will be there from just before 7 until 3.  I will be tired!