Monday, September 24, 2012

Outrageous Baking Company review

At the Gluten Free Allergen Free Expo, I had the delight to try the Outrageous Baking Company. 

I didn't try them the first time through, because they were located right across from my local joint I usually go to.  I felt like a traitor.  I went back the next day since I volunteered so I got in for free.  I went towards the tail end, so a lot of the samples were eaten up.  However there was a little bit of pumpkin bread, which is a favorite of mine especially this time of year, along with some lemon poppyseed bread. 

The lemon poppyseed was surprisingly delicious!  I didn't think I would like it quite honestly, but it was wonderful.  There was a delightful crunch from a sugar glaze on top.  Both breads were so moist, which is hard to achieve.  You couldn't tell either one of them were gluten free!

The pumpkin bread.....oh my.  Best pumpkin bread ever, gluten or non gluten.  Period.  I bought 2 loaves.  Need to buy more.  STAT!!!!  The spices were just right, and like I mentioned before it is so moist! 

I need to make it to Boulder!  But at least they deliver :)  Check them out:

The Artist review

I Netflixed The Artist today. I was curious after all of the awards it won and it seemed different.

It was a really good movie!  I can see why it got award after award.  It deserved every one of them.  It is brilliantly executed and a unique approach on an era in the movies that I had never really known about.  Although a bit of a downer as the protagonists career, marriage, and economic standing fail, it does end well and leaves you smiling. 

Masterfully done.  Go see it!  You won't be sorry.

Introduction to Reviews...

In an effort to start blogging more, I will have some reviews over various products I encounter. This will be my own thing.  Companies won't find out unless they google and somehow come across my humble blog.

I'm not a reviewer, that I can eloquently describe taste and texture of a food or the symbolism in a movie or book, but my hope is to tell how I honestly feel about it and maybe give you an idea whether or not you would like to try that.

So here it goes....

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Our Progress

Well, things are coming right along with SIM, praise God!

Yesterday we took several psychological evaluations (which was a psychological evaluation in itself!).  It took us about 4 hours to get through them.  We sent those in along with all of the info they needed regarding medical stuff even though they won't get out until Monday. I just didn't have DH's lab results back, but I figured I needed to get all of this in since we had it for the past few weeks and I can always scan and email those results.  Just couldn't do that with all of it.  I tried, but the files were too big.  It took a while to compile all of it. 

I guess when I finally get the blood work in, they will send out a short theology survey to make sure our beliefs and theirs don't contradict each other.  Then it's the waiting game!  We should hear mid-November whether or not we are invited to SIMstart in January.  That's when we get to meet everyone face-to-face in Charlotte and have quite a few interviews, meet with the psychologist, and find out what else we need to do!  By the end of that, we'll know if SIM will send us. 

Please continue to pray for us.  Pray for patience and peace for us and for wisdom and discernment for our SIM team.  We are very excited and know we have been called to Japan, but we know that we can't just hop on a plane and that it is a process.  God is doing some pretty amazing things in our lives in the meantime!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Another week

We are coming right along with SIM.  I know at least half of my references have gotten their forms back in to them.  We are just waiting for all of our medical records to come in to send in. Then we should know pretty soon if we are approved to go to Charlotte for SIMstart in January.  Very exciting to see what the Lord has in store for us!

We had rain all day yesterday.  It was needed.  Q and I made a countdown chain for Disneyland.  Can't believe it's 35 days from now!  We went to get gift cards for our trip.  She did pretty well on our outing, but she was ready for her nap by the time we left. 

It's frustrating going places lately with her.  I guess with her being fairly new at the potty trained thing, she feels she has to go about 50 times when we're out.  And her words for potty and iPad sound so similar, I don't always know if she is throwing a tantrum to play with the iPad.  So I've pretty much taken the iPad out of the picture, majorly limited her media, and take her potty if it sounds like she says it.  It really has helped a lot.  Her attitude started greatly improving when I limited the media.  It had gotten a bit out of control.  2 days a week she has school, then there's Sunday school, so there are 3 mornings when she is occupied anyway.

Her Uncle Derek is in town though, so that should make her pretty excited.  She got to see Aunt Sherrie yesterday, and she just loved her!  It should be a great week!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


It's the little things in life that make you realize how blessed you are.

I got up this morning with my daughter and after she finished her breakfast, she crawled in my lap and just sat there for a while snuggling.


I had been feeling kind of down from kind of a jerky move from a friend, so it was just a nice reminder to know that I am loved, I am valued, even when Satan attacks me where it hurts.

Then hubby got up earlier than normal so I went ahead and went to this Bible Study I wanted to try out.  I didn't really feel like driving or being around people, but I find this is when it's most important to get yourself around people.  Then I had a wonderful time with some wonderful ladies.  It was nice to have the little break and fellowship with friends.


And when I was looking up flights to Disneyland, I found the best deal and asked around if that was a good deal.  People said it was and when I went to buy, the tickets had gone down $20 each! 


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Voice Lessons

So after not having voice lessons for about a decade, I am back in the saddle!  Today was my first one back in, and while I did have some things to work on, my teacher was impressed that my voice has remained so pure.  I remember hating that about my voice.  I have very little to no vibrato, but as you age you get more vibrato in your voice.  So I guess my voice will be better for longer in theory?

We worked on quite a few vocal warm ups and she got some ideas of what she wants to do in my voice.  I had brought my music from when I took lessons so long ago, and she picked one of the last pieces that she had given me to start singing again.  It's a Bach piece, so I'm gravy. She was impressed how well I remembered it.  Well, I've worked on these pieces as they were the only links I had to music for a while. 

So I am quite excited to be starting back up!  Great me time :)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Busy week!

I got really overwhelmed last week...

It seemed like everything decided to happen then.  I got over-committed.  I am just glad it's over. 

The biggest thing was that Audrey started her first day of Mother's Day Out at Little Hearts School.  She has the sweetest teacher, Mrs. Lauren, and is already making friends.  I am hoping this will be good for her language development.

I joined a MOPS group as well and am looking forward to getting to know those ladies better.  I didn't realize it was a national group until fairly recently.  I think it will be great for me, as they are a wonderful support.

I went to the Gluten Free Allergen Free Expo on Saturday AND Sunday this year, because I got in free!  I was really blessed and was picked to volunteer.  So on Saturday afternoon, I had to handle charging people's credit cards to get in.  But that morning and Sunday afternoon, I racked in the goodies!  I didn't spend more than the tickets cost, so I think I did extra well.  I found a couple of new companies and reconnected with the ones I loved.  Got a little star struck when I checked-in the CEO of Hail Merry.  I really liked the owner of Blackbird Bakery, based in Austin.  I am looking forward to trying her wonderful flours.  I had heard wonderful things about Juice Plus, and they were there as well, so I signed up for their product.  I also tried the best pumpkin bread and lemon poppyseed bread from Outrageous Bakery and had to buy some of that!  The samples of Pamela's got delayed in a shipping facility, so they are sending us all packages.  What a wonderful company!  And Udi's still just makes me happy.  I got so full each day from all the goodies.  I'm sad they're moving it further away next year, but it will be at a bigger facility.

SIM is still coming along.  We are hearing more and more positive things.  This time next year we could very well be in Japan!  PTL!!

God is good.