Wednesday, September 12, 2012


It's the little things in life that make you realize how blessed you are.

I got up this morning with my daughter and after she finished her breakfast, she crawled in my lap and just sat there for a while snuggling.


I had been feeling kind of down from kind of a jerky move from a friend, so it was just a nice reminder to know that I am loved, I am valued, even when Satan attacks me where it hurts.

Then hubby got up earlier than normal so I went ahead and went to this Bible Study I wanted to try out.  I didn't really feel like driving or being around people, but I find this is when it's most important to get yourself around people.  Then I had a wonderful time with some wonderful ladies.  It was nice to have the little break and fellowship with friends.


And when I was looking up flights to Disneyland, I found the best deal and asked around if that was a good deal.  People said it was and when I went to buy, the tickets had gone down $20 each! 


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