Monday, September 10, 2012

Busy week!

I got really overwhelmed last week...

It seemed like everything decided to happen then.  I got over-committed.  I am just glad it's over. 

The biggest thing was that Audrey started her first day of Mother's Day Out at Little Hearts School.  She has the sweetest teacher, Mrs. Lauren, and is already making friends.  I am hoping this will be good for her language development.

I joined a MOPS group as well and am looking forward to getting to know those ladies better.  I didn't realize it was a national group until fairly recently.  I think it will be great for me, as they are a wonderful support.

I went to the Gluten Free Allergen Free Expo on Saturday AND Sunday this year, because I got in free!  I was really blessed and was picked to volunteer.  So on Saturday afternoon, I had to handle charging people's credit cards to get in.  But that morning and Sunday afternoon, I racked in the goodies!  I didn't spend more than the tickets cost, so I think I did extra well.  I found a couple of new companies and reconnected with the ones I loved.  Got a little star struck when I checked-in the CEO of Hail Merry.  I really liked the owner of Blackbird Bakery, based in Austin.  I am looking forward to trying her wonderful flours.  I had heard wonderful things about Juice Plus, and they were there as well, so I signed up for their product.  I also tried the best pumpkin bread and lemon poppyseed bread from Outrageous Bakery and had to buy some of that!  The samples of Pamela's got delayed in a shipping facility, so they are sending us all packages.  What a wonderful company!  And Udi's still just makes me happy.  I got so full each day from all the goodies.  I'm sad they're moving it further away next year, but it will be at a bigger facility.

SIM is still coming along.  We are hearing more and more positive things.  This time next year we could very well be in Japan!  PTL!!

God is good.

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