Monday, December 12, 2011


Tonight we got back from bringing dinner to our friends who just had a baby and I am starving.  I immediately got to the crock pot and shovel out my delicious southwest chicken soup.  I say a quick prayer and dive in while Brent starts to get his bowl.

Then I hear the weirdest sound coming from DH.  He makes some pretty odd noises, but I can't even describe this one.  Dying marine life?  Yeah, that's all I can come up with.  He does that sort of thing all the time and usually it has to do with Audrey.   It always freaks me out.  So I glance over and he says, "I just saw the mouse!"

Oh great.  Here I am eating my dinner with the spoon I had left on the counter and I had served myself with the ladle I had also left on the counter.  Great.  I have probably eaten mouse germs.  Joy.

We finally get a bowl over it and I call my parent's to see what they want me to do with it.  I am thinking maybe my brother would want it.  I kind of have a soft spot for mice.  I had a pet one growing up.  No.  Take it out in the yard and let the dog Bluebonnet deal with it.  Bluebonnet was quick with the execution and was appreciative of the attention and entertainment.  Now we've put out all sorts of traps.  I keep on thinking of the movie Ratatouille.  There's probably a whole nest of them up in the attic.


Time to move.

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