Thursday, December 8, 2011


I keep on worrying about Audrey's speech development.  She talks a LOT, but I don't understand most of it.  I know it's bad to compare kids, but most kids her age you can carry on a coherent conversation.  Not so with my little girl.  The pediatrician said at her 2 year appointment not to worry unless she's not up to 50 words by 2 and a half.  She's got over twice that, so I guess I shouldn't worry.  After all, there aren't charts for adults are there?  No "typical" what a 25 year old woman should weigh, how tall, and how many words should be in her vocab?????

I guess this peaked yesterday when I lost Audrey for a little bit.  I have no idea how long, maybe it was only 5 minutes, but I thought she was lost.  My mom and I were at Penney's.  They had cranked up the heater so I got the car keys from my mom, since we were right by the door, to put my coat up.  In the minute I was gone, she had gotten away from my mom and decided it would be fun to play hide and seek.  She's been playing a lot with Brent and has learned to be really quiet when Daddy is looking for her.  When my mom found her, she laughed and ran the opposite direction.  Grandmomma gave Audrey quite the pop when she caught up with her.  It took mom forever to calm down, she was shaking so badly.  It freaked me out too, but somehow I was the one to keep calm.  Maybe it's because she felt so bad for losing track of her.  I told her that we do NOT play that game in public places.  Need to find my kid leash.

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