Saturday, November 19, 2011

Grocery Shopping

What was I thinking?  The grocery store on a Saturday?  And not just any Saturday, but the Saturday before Thanksgiving???  I think I went a little mental.

I really don't like grocery shopping.  Especially now, since I have to stop and read every label.  Not my favorite thing to do.  At least I didn't have my 2 year old with me.  She hates grocery shopping too, but she lets everyone know.

DH and I were planning to clean house today, but were forced to do an ultra-fast clean, because someone called to look at the house.  Of course, they wanted to come during Audrey's nap time.  So she went down earlier and we got to cleaning.  My mom helped too.  They thing that whomps is that we don't even know if they really came or not.

So for Thanksgiving, Brent will rotisserie a smaller turkey and I will make blackberry cobbler and sweet potato casserole.  I am glad we will be able to help out.  Hmm, maybe I should make GF rolls?  Ooh, or croissants!

I love this time of year :)

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