Wednesday, November 16, 2011

More blood work

I got to have my blood drawn this morning again, oh joy of joys.  My doctor wanted me to get the full panel again as well to check everything since identifying and taking out known food allergies.  I had to fast before hand.  Why is it that whenever you have to fast, you wake up extremely hungry?  I have had issues with borderline hyperglycemia, so it is just no fun.  I was glad that I didn't feel lightheaded after like I usually do.  The doctor should get the results tomorrow or Friday at latest, but she is taking off all of next week.  Poop.  There had better be great results though, otherwise I don't really see much of a point staying on this diet.  It's not like I am losing much weight.  It's just frustrating is what it is!   I will stop whining now :)  Hoping the day gets better.

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