Friday, November 18, 2011

Nap, please?!

I hate it when Audrey sleeps in the car.  I don't care if it's 1 minute, she won't nap because of it.  Ugh.  I count on her nap.  Can you tell I am battling it today?!  I hear her on the monitor letting me know she's up. I put on headphones.  I figure she will eventually go to sleep.  I have a couple of projects I am working on and it's the only time of the day I get "me" time.  So sue me, I want to watch an episode of Dr Who in the near future!

I've been helping my mom remodel Peter's kitchen while he and his wife are on vacation with her parents this week.  We got quite a lot done, but it feels like it will never be done.  I got paint on my favorite pair of jeans.  *sigh*

So glad it's Friday.  Hope we can do something fun this weekend.  I just tried something different with those white bean blondies.  If they turned out good, I will let you know what I did in the next entry :)

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