Monday, October 10, 2011

Full Weekend

October weekend's end up being crazy-busy.  Why is that?  This last weekend, we had a choir "retreat".  I put it in quotations, because it isn't what it sounds like.  It's more of a workshop and is very tiring.  After it, I think I just stared at the wall for an hour in shock.  I don't recall that afternoon....

Brent's parent's came in this weekend.  Audrey LOVED it!  She was sooooo mad when they left last night.  Total devastation.  Poor baby.  When someone gives you a chocolate shake, you are pretty sure you never want to see them leave (she is her mommy's girl after all!).  They took her shopping yesterday while Brent and I took a nap and she had such a good time.  Of course she's good for Grammie and Gramps and also the fact they were shopping for her.

We finally got much needed rain.  I think it's messing with my allergies, but we need it so bad.  It is also nice and cool because of it.  Feels like Fall finally.

Might go to the fair Thursday.  Or wait until next Thursday.  Why Thursday?  Because my Dad volunteers then and I can get in for free :)

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