Since I'm already cranking, I thought I would write about something that has been bothering me a good long while now. That way my last entry will be my happy one :)
I miss David. He truly was a music MINISTER. He cared about each and every person in the choir. He took the time to contact you personally if he hadn't heard from you in a while. He was such an encourager. There was no doubt that he had a close personal relationship with Christ. He left our church right after Granddaddy died, then a few years he lost his battle to stomach cancer. It's around the 2nd anniversary of his death so I guess that's why I'm thinking about him.
And choir now just isn't the same. I try not to compare, but something has been eating at me. It seems like our director is "weeding" those of us out that aren't professional singers and bringing in more and more paid soloists. The size is no where near what it used to be and I notice new members being quickly chased off. What? You don't know Latin?! You must be an idiot! That is seriously how I feel each and every rehearsal, then I remind myself that it IS a volunteer choir and God does love a joyful noise, even if I or anyone else makes a "dumb" mistake. I come from a family of musicians, so I feel like I have a right to say this, but musicians can seriously be the most snotty group of people. I seriously want to punch some of these "professionals" in the face when they start laughing at someone's mistake. Are you freaking kidding me?! At times I feel like quitting, but I like to sing unto God. I don't have the most lovely of voices. I could use training, true. You wanna pay for it? But I imagine God as Father loving the sounds of His children's voices no matter what. Sort of like how Audrey has taken up singing lately. Does she have correct pitch and always singing the right words? No! But it's sweeter than any other sound, because it's her. She's singing to momma with all her heart and she's so happy and puts her whole self into it. And so, to me, it's beautiful.
That's all there is to say about that. Peace.
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